Whos that Venorian?

Why are you a venorian?
Venor is an incredible workplace. I don’t think I’d be able to develop myself and my skills as much as I do here, anywhere else. We have a genuine flat organisation, generous benefits and great colleagues. There’s not much more to ask for.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A Pilot! It’s still on my bucket list to take a Private Pilot Licence (PPL)

Tell a memory that you value from your time at Venor
When we as a team completed Tough Viking! It was a great experience where we genuinely worked together and boosted each other.

Who is the best superhero and why?
Hmm, then it must be Superman… Because he can fly (obviously…)

What do you do in your spare time?
I love to travel, spend time with my family, watch football and I have a big passion for wine.