
What’s your blue geekiness/great passion?
Learning about new cool tools and technologies. I love when I can help solve a problem or contribute to a safer online world.

Why are you a venorian?
Because I want to be a part of a great group of security professionals who create the kind of company we want to be a part of together.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
When I was really young my dad asked me once what kind of job I wanted when I grew up and I apparently told him I wanted “a pink one”, whatever that means. It does sound kind of nice though!

Tell a memory that you value from your time at Venor
Our visit to Gothenburg is the most fun I’ve had on a work trip (including the slightly hungover Lego workshop).

Who is the best superhero and why?
Phone Ranger, because he can fix any phone.

Do you have any hobbies?
My favourite hobby is singing in a barbershop choir and competing with them in regional and international competitions.